I am sure we all must have read or heard about the dire effects of global warming. At the same time, it is not surprising that we hear controversial statements about it all being a huge shallow myth.
The most respected scientific bodies across the world have stated unequivocally that global warming might be the next war for mankind if necessary precautions are not taken. There is no debate among the scientists about the basic facts of global warming’s cause and effects. There are many ‘irreversible’ effects observed by the research communities like climate change, glacier retreat and disappearance, sea level rise, acidification, oxygen depletion among many others, which in turn impact the many bio layers. Unchecked global warming affects the terrestrial eco-regions and the stable ways in which nature acts. In the coming centuries, it is predicted that global warming can trigger a mass extinction of about 50% of the current flora and fauna on earth. Global warming can particularly have a harsh effect on the socio economic conditions of people and countries. The likely severe impacts included increased hunger and disease due to decreased rainfall and severe weather events. No wonder that there is an increased awareness and urge regarding this matter in
all parts of the world.
Does it sound like exaggeration? How can everyday phenomenon have such drastic and huge effects? It is not surprising that many people think that it’s nothing more than a huge swindle. Earth has through centuries, gone through so much more and has yet been able to survive. The climate changes, disappearing species, submerging islands are not something new. The same science which talks about the adversities of global warming also talks about the good effects it has in maintaining the stability of the nature like infusion of increased methane and the belief of many economists that the warming produces a net benefit of increased income and better standards of living. It takes a lot more to implement green practices in terms of energy and economics to justify global warming’s effects. Supporters of this argument state that if the cause of warming is mostly natural, which in fact it is, then there is little we can do about it.
As quoted by Blaise Pascal “The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble”, I personally believe in simple logic of nature. Any minute disturbance shakes a stable system to some extent which has long term effects over a large period of time, good or bad. In the case of global warming, I believe that the consequences are greatly bad. As a part of this system, I feel responsible too. Even if the whole issue is controversial; the whole essence is that we should protect the space we live in. May be the effects are exaggerated, or the consequences too small to have gained such great attention but it is something we should be concerned of and as said, prevention is better than cure. I staunchly believe that it is the right time to act. We all in spite of the varied thinking agree to the fact that this is the only earth we got.
Man has been bestowed with the best in the life possible, the ability to think, the virtue of creation and unfortunately the power to destruct.
let all of us head inland and stay there :D
I wish we could, but if we can.... then I want a block miles away from yours
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